Everyone is worried about the spread of coronavirus, as it is spreading faster most of the people are scared to come out from their homes. Most of the people are following the safety measures properly and stay away from the spreads. But it is not sure that all the people who we are meeting are following safety steps like wearing masks, using sanitizers, and more. But the spreads can be controlled by following the precaution steps properly. While being inside the home it is not essential to follow those rules, because as they are not coming out for any reason they don’t want to meet any strange people or the corona victim. But people who are coming out from their home for personal reasons or for work must follow the safety measures properly. Even the person alone not following the safety steps properly also, the business company owner should be responsible to protect their staff. Instead of suggesting them to clean their hands before entering the office, if they placed the commercial hand sanitizer in the entering place then they should clean their hand definitely in front of the person who is checking the entry of the faculties.
As the virus is spreading over the nation more rapidly, people could not block themselves inside their homes. To survive they have to earn money, so they have to work for their income. Not all people could do their job from their home. People who are facing more issues while working in the home and the industrial workers should go for their office. The safety steps should be followed not only for personal protection, it is essential to protect the people around them. While working in a commonplace the person should meet more people, so there is a chance to get affected by the virus. The person may use the sanitizers at the right time properly and stay safe to be protective. But they may not have a trust on their co-workers they could not check whether they are using the sanitizers properly or not. Also, it is not sure that all the staffs use the good quality sanitizers, so to avoid the doubt of the workers and to protect them, the workplace authorities can offer the commercial hand sanitizer for the worker at the required place like entrance, washroom, etc. If all the staff used the sanitizers and stay safe, then they can work without any worries. Also, the business owner could gain profits and provide salary for their staff by protecting them from the virus spread.