Are you looking for counselling courses? The ECTA which means The Executive Counselling and Training Academy which is the educational institution that is privately owned is registered to CPE (Committee for Private Education) is offering the counselling courses part time Singapore to the students for their requirements of learning. The counsellors are the trainers, skilled and the experienced professionals who teach in an extraordinary way to the people who are in passion for learning.
Well experienced trainers
The trainers who are at the centre are competent and well informed in their domain and in the area of specialization who will be taking the part-time counselling courses. Proper counselling is what required for the people who have numerous challenge in their life and in the most difficult situations. The physiological as well as the emotional support is provided to such people and thus not making them feel as victimized.
Good learning experience
Here at the institution, the trainers focus on teaching the learners with the adequate and relevant information and this will allow them to make an impression ad impact on the lives of the people. The required skills are taught to cope up and tackling any kind of challenges in life. The courses are enrolled in the institution and these will be only part-time and not the full-time courses. There are many important benefits in counselling and learn how it will let people find the hope as well as the courage in order to grow. The learning environment is safe and nurturing thereby helping the learners to equip technical skills in counselling.